Saturday, April 19, 2008

Contest is coming!

Contest is indeed coming! Region 25 Sweet Adeline International contest, that is! It is next weekend. I am so excited about it. My quartet, Star Struck, is competing. My chorus, Prairie Winds, is also competing. I love the whole contest weekend. Not only do I get to sing most of the weekend, I get to spend it with some of my best friends, see other friends, get reacquainted with people I see every year, and just have a ton of fun! We get to perform in the most amazing venue. It is the Eisemann Theater in the Center for Performing Arts in Richardson, TX, which was specifically designed for this kind of thing.

Another reason I love contest is the competition itself. Of course I want to win, as I am a very competitive person. But more than that, it gives every competitor the opportunity to show what she has worked so hard on. And the barbershop audience is one of my favorite to sing and perform for, as they understand and appreciate the product especially.

Wish us all the best!