Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened...

Last Sunday morning, a very sweet little boy at church wanted to sit with us. Colby just turned 3 and is quite the heartbreaker! He runs up to you with his arms outstreched for a great big hug. Well, he was behaving beautifully while we were singing. All of a sudden, he stuck his fingers in his ears. Now, you must understand, Richard and I believe we are pretty OK singers. It was quite shocking to have our small charge put his fingers in his ears and begin "singing" very loudly. We got so tickled. And you know, it is way worse when you are not supposed to be laughing! This was hilarious! We could not sing because every time we opened our mouths...just more laughter. Pretty soon, the man behind us was not able to sing for laughing. Not long after, the chuckling had rippled its way through the auditorium, however most of the people did not really know why they were laughing. They were laughing because we were laughing. There were a couple of people who could actually see Colby, and really thought this was funny. They know us and know we think we are pretty OK singers, which made it even funnier!

After the service ended, we explained what had happened and apologized to the song leader. He could not see Colby, but knew SOMETHING was going on. We assured him the laughter had NOTHING to do with him!

Have a wonderful day!